Dr. Harith Kassim
Dr. Harith’s success in discovering how to overcome adversity in his fifties has caused him to have an urgent passion to want to share his experiences with young people starting out in life. PRO-yi® is a Self Enhancement training program which allows you to know who you are and what your purpose in life. One key business activity KAM Consults is Personal Development Training.
Course Overview
This program is from “graduation to a seat on the table”. This is an inclusive program and covers pre-graduation, post-graduation employment, the sustainability of employment and success, all the way to CEOship.
The rationale of this program is that unless one understands one’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and applies the principles of Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity, one would be a victim of own Subconscious (mindset) rather than a master’s of one’s destiny. The biology of the mind needs to be understood, in what has been informally referred to, as the cleansing of our fight or flight mindset, transforming it to what nature wanted it to be, instead of what man has made it.
Course Curriculum
Module 1 : Personal Organization & Happiness
Module 2 : Emotional Intelligence 2.0
Module 3 : Corporate Disruption
Module 4 : Personal Disruption
Module 5 : Self-Leadership
Module 6 : Assertiveness & Self Confidence
Module 7 : Critical Thinking
Module 8 : Goal Setting & Getting Things Done 2.0
Module 9 : Lean Process & Six Sigma
Module 10 : Supervising Others 2.0
Module 11 : Overcoming Sales Objection
Module 12 : Servant Leadership
Module 13 : Developing Creativity
Module 14 : Improving Self-Awareness
Module 15 : Altrocentric Leadership
Module 16 : Emotional Intelligence 3.0
Intermediate Business Entrepreneurial:
- The key benefits of this program participants will enjoy include:-
- Being familiar about the demands of the 21st Century business environment and its implication on leadership in the domains of personal, professional, organizational and social life (social skills)
- Mastering the change process and the consequences of not changing and the negative impact on the business, maintaining the saying “that’s how we usually work here!”
- Master the art of using creativity and the secret of empowerment to mobilize teams and help them operate interacting with other divisions within the company with little supervision and micro management.
- Master the skills of analysing and solving problems through a disciplined collaborative spirit across all disciplines sharing values progress and goals.
- Master the skills of the saying “no man is an island”, putting Egocentric Leadership aside and using Altrocentric Leadership skills to obtain valuable feedback that can help in developing successful action plans to meet and manage challenges.
- The key benefits of this program participants will enjoy include:-
To be personalized